Crest will be expanding its school communication platform, commonly used to send weather alerts and important information, to include SMS (text) messaging along with the already offered phone call and email methods. The attached flyer gives SMS opt-in instructions. Additionally, all mobile numbers in the school's database will receive a text asking to opt-in to these alerts on December 16th.
We will also be improving teacher to parent communication via email going into the
second semester, with teachers gaining the ability to send emails to all parents belonging to specific classes in PowerSchool.
On top of all this, the Crest Lancers app will be receiving different notification categories that can be subscribed to by navigating to settings within the app and selecting "Notification Preferences." Please be sure to check this area often as new categories are added and more information is funneled through the app. By default, all app users are locked into subscribing to school related weather events or important information.