Quarantine and Isolation FAQ from SEKMCHD

Quarantine and Isolation FAQ from SEKMCHD
Posted on 08/30/2021
This is the image for the news article titled Quarantine and Isolation FAQ from SEKMCHD

Isolation and Quarantine Reminders:


Those who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who are symptomatic must isolate themselves in their home. If they are symptomatic, it is recommended that they get tested. The person who is ill must isolate themselves in their home, away from others for 10 days from the day of onset of symptoms. On the 11th day, as long as fever free and overall, much better, they may resume normal activities.


Those who have been exposed to a positive case or someone suspected of having COVID-19 (who does not live in their home) must quarantine themselves in their home away from others for 10 days from last day of exposure to the positive case. On the 11th day, as long as fever free, symptom free and have not tested positive, may resume normal activities.


Those who live with a person (household contact) who has tested positive must quarantine in their home. When the positive person releases from isolation, the household contact will remain quarantined for 10 more days. The 11th day (all in all, the 21st day), as long as fever free, symptom free, and have not tested positive, the household contact may resume normal activities.


The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is assisting SEK Multi-County Health Department with COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing. If you have been contacted by KDHE (area code normally 785-so please answer this unknown call), and are needing a work release letter, they will be able to assist you with this.

This link is for info about "what if I'm vaccinated, or what if I've had COVID-19...do I still need to quarantine after being exposed"

Or here's a summary of what you need to know:

How long am I considered immune if I had COVID-19 disease?

Close contacts with evidence of previous infection supported by a positive PCR or antigen test may be exempt from quarantine after
re-exposure as long as they remain asymptomatic. This is to be determined by the local health officer based on a possible 6-month
period of presumed immunity. 

How long am I considered immune if I had COVID-19 vaccine?

Vaccinated persons with an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they meet

all of the following criteria:
• Are fully vaccinated (i.e., ≥2 weeks following receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series, or ≥2 weeks following receipt of
one dose of a single-dose vaccine)
• Have remained asymptomatic since the current COVID-19 exposure
There is currently no time limit on how long fully vaccinated persons are considered immune. Persons who do not meet both of the
above criteria should continue to follow current quarantine guidance after exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID19.
As an exception to the above guidance, vaccinated inpatients and residents in healthcare

Close contact definition: (this was something I did not include on facebook or the paper due to how much I'd already included)

Close contacts are those exposed to a person with COVID-19, even if that
person didn't have symptoms, if any of the following situation happened:
• Living with the person or stayed overnight for at least one night in a house with
the person; or
• Within 6 feet of the person for 10 consecutive minutes or more; or
• Direct contact with the infectious secretions of the person (for example,
coughed or sneezed on; kissed; contact with a dirty tissue; shared a drinking
glass, food, towels, or other personal items).
The chance of spreading the virus is greater the longer an infected person or persons
are close to someone. It also matters if the infected person is coughing, sneezing,
singing, shouting, or doing anything else that produces more respiratory droplets that
contain virus or if there are exposures to more than one infected person. Under these
higher risk situations, public health may want to consider a close contact someone
who has been within 6 feet of an infectious person or persons for 10 cumulative
minutes or more in a 24-hour period.
* Situations that may increase the risk of transmission include practicing or playing
contact sports, meaning sports involving more than occasional and fleeting
contact, such as football, basketball, rugby, hockey, soccer, lacrosse,
wrestling, boxing, and martial arts, with a COVID-19 case. Other sports may be
included if social distancing, mask use, and other mitigation measures are not
The final decision on what constitutes close contact is made at the discretion of
public health.

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